
Bonsai pepper

Bonsai pepper

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Question: bonsai pepper

Dear editor in mid-January, my bonsai pepper has lost all its leaves, put new ones but I noticed that some lateral leaves that are still very small have become black and dry like never? Thank you in advance

Answer: bonsai pepper

Dear Giuseppe,
despite what is commonly believed the pepper tree, also known as false pepper in Italian, is an outdoor evergreen plant, and in fact many bonsaistas find themselves with shabby plants, simply because they kept their false pepper in the apartment for the whole autumn and winter. 'winter.
It is in nature a small tree with very decorative evergreen foliage, the botanical name is schinus molle, and is called false pepper because it produces clusters of small berries that are very reminiscent of peppercorns and are often used as pepper (piper nigrum ). Originally the schinus molle originates from central-southern America, and in nature it lives in areas characterized by a very humid climate, but not very hot, as it lives in PerŅ‰ and in other South American countries, on the highlands, where the winter climate can be quite rigid . So your pepper tree can be grown outdoors all year round, in bright and possibly sunny places, and withstands minimum temperatures near -10 ° C.
The reason why your bonsai has lost all its foliage is due to the fact that in the apartment the plant is in decidedly too dry conditions: your plant easily supports drought and does not need excessive watering, on the contrary, it is good to let it the ground dry between two waterings; although it was brought into the house, it surely found an excessively dry air, so it needed frequent spraying, with demineralized water, to increase the humidity present in the air around the plant.
From now on, move your plant outdoors, and leave it to the air and the weather all year round, even during the autumn and winter; in case of really very cold temperatures, remember to cover the vase with non-woven fabric, to avoid that all the ground bread around the roots freezes.
Watering will be regular from March to September, thinning out for the remaining months: it is important to avoid watering this plant too much, which fears water stagnation very much; so every time you water, check with your fingers that the soil is dry.
If you prefer to cultivate the plant in the apartment, remember that it needs a lot of sunlight, even direct, and a good environmental humidity, and therefore vaporizes the foliage frequently; even if the plant is grown at home, during the autumn and winter months, the schinus goes through a period of semi-vegetative rest, as the shorter days allow the plants to understand in what season we are, regardless of the climate; for this reason, it is good to reduce watering, supplying water only when the soil is well dry. From September to March we also avoid fertilizing.