
Lemon in the flowerbed

Lemon in the flowerbed

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Question: lemon in the flowerbed

Hi, please, having in the garden a space to make a flowerbed with a cement base. I would like to know if by inserting in it a lemon 4 seasons how long it can last, hall 120h -180larg ... square shape.Thank you from Cuore.Francesco Marra

Answer: lemon in the flowerbed

Dear Francesco,
lemon trees live well outdoors in Italy in the central southern areas, in the north of the peninsula they need to be covered during the winter, so they are often grown in pots. The size of your flowerbed is perfect for a lemon, as long as the soil it contains is rich and fertile, very well drained; the other feature that your flowerbed should have is to be exposed to the sun, for a good amount of hours every day. So if the soil is good and the location is sunny, the lemon tree can grow in your garden for years, reaching 4-5 meters in height.