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Dear Gardening Editor,
I do not know what to do to permanently eradicate the oziorrinco from my garden: last year a good part of the laurel and photinia hedge has already marred me, it has attacked the rhododendrons and the azaleas in addition to the name and the gaulteria. Furthermore, the hydrangeas already last year did not bloom and the leaves dried up at the edges. This year they have not even grown: can the larvae of the oziorrinco feed on the roots, preventing the growth of the plant? The same goes for the pieris: the new pink leaves just popped up and die. A little while ago I noticed that the new leaves of the roses have bites and also, alas, I saw a fine specimen of the hated insect on the pavement: is it possible that it is already at work, is it not a little ahead of the season? I was advised to fight it chemically with a very toxic product, but I have a dog, cat and children running around the garden and preventing them from coming out during the (rather long) period of toxicity of the product would be a big problem. In short: HELP! My gardens are going to be destroyed!
Thank you in advance for your reply.
Dear Elisabetta,
Thank you for contacting us regarding the problem affecting your garden.
The oziorrinco (Otiorrhincus spp) is an insect belongs to the great order of beetles or insects that at the adult stage have a solid shell with rudimentary wings covered by elytra which in the specific case are blackish like the rest of the body. The dimensions are around 8-10 mm and it is hardly visible in the hot hours as it prefers to eat in the dark to remain underground during the day.
It is easily found in the morning especially if the plant is shaken and has a remarkable voracity being able to destroy various green organs with typical irregular erosions,
but it can devastate buds or young shoots. At the larva stage it is equally destructive to the root system thus reducing the vigor of the plant.
It begins to feed as an adult towards the end of winter and spring-summer attacks are particularly formidable.
To solve the problem Oziorrinco should preferably intervene from early spring with evening treatments trying to wet the hair well and the inside with a foliar insecticide, if your problem is very serious, it is also proposed the use of a granular product to be distributed also on the ground valid for land forms, with the warning to follow the recommendations of use that you will find on the label.