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Organic farming in Italy
The main feature of this sector is to cultivate vegetables, vegetables in general and fruit, with natural fertilizers derived from the use of compounds obtained from medicinal herbs through the infusion of the latter, maceration, decoction and extraction . Not by chance in Italy, were born in the world of commerce, several commercial businesses that deal with organic products approved both by the EC Regulation 834/07 and by the Regulation of application CE 889/08. On the other hand it is right that these crops are treated with similar products otherwise the conditions for considering the products of the earth would fall into the specific category of organic products. Naturally, organic farms must have unmistakable characteristics, starting with the fact that they must be located in places far from motorways or factories that could contaminate crops with their unfavorable agents. Several years ago, some farms used organic farming on the national territory, with about 20 thousand. Some local administrations even provide funds for companies that grow organic crops to increase the use of organic products. The companies that cultivate with this regime, have on their land, several stables where they raise slaughter animals and use the manure of the latter, to fertilize the agricultural so going to promote the biodiversity of the environment. Of course, the aim is not only to offer buyers products without pesticides or chemical fertilizers, but also to create a positive impact on the environment in terms of pollution of the earth and air.
Organic in the garden
To cultivate biologically, it must not be understood only at the level of large companies. Even those who own an urban garden can try to devote themselves to this type of cultivation by using natural fertilizers and pesticides made with medicinal herbs. As mentioned before, the herbs in question are treated through processes from which natural compounds are used to be used as pesticides and fungicides. Many farmers who cultivate their vegetables in the traditional way, make use of these compounds that derive from the pulp of herbs such as nettle, eucalyptus, absinthe or horsetail. Leaving for example a kilogram of nettles in 10 liters of water until the latter becomes of a dark intense color, a compound is obtained that after being carefully filtered and placed in a dispenser, can be sprayed on the crops. This mixture is very effective to combat annoying invasions of red spider and caterpillars but at the same time, it makes the plants luxuriant and healthy. However, you need to know how to measure the elements well otherwise you risk causing damage rather than benefits. It is therefore very useful for those who want to use the DIY, get informed on the web or through paper documents or through advice from expert people.
It is precisely for this reason that the natural pesticides used in large farms are recommended by competent agronomists who make their experience available to farmers by adopting methods that include the timing and timing of watering and fertilizing. Although in fact, organic fertilizers must be used categorically in an organic farm worthy of being called by that name, they must be wisely dosed by choosing suitable crops, exposure to the sun and different management methods. The correct diagnosis of the problem is the first element to which Italian agronomists give space. Only after careful and accurate evaluations, these professionals can act with less persistent products to the environment. Naturally the agronomists will also take into account the contribution that the organic fungicides will give to the crops, as regards the formation of antibodies to prevent the future reappearance of the parasites. It is a complex study that even uses nicotine, which through proper maceration becomes an excellent insecticide. But other equally natural methods, we are given by some species of insects first of all the ladybird, which turns out to be a good antagonist. In fact, there are traps made of plastic material called pheromone traps, which through the use of baits based on the sex hormones of insects that they want to eliminate, attract only specific insects without acting on those deemed useful in nature.
Organic lifestyle
Those who choose to eat organic food, choose a philosophy of life very different from the conventional one, above all because it places respect for the environment and health first. However today, organic farming is in continuous evolution and the farmer reaches an ecologically sustainable production precisely through the continuous contributions of the agronomists who assist the farmers' work so that they reach satisfactory levels not only on the economic side but also on the eco side compatibility. The agronomic consultancy is therefore indispensable and the presence of a professional able to assist the entrepreneur, becomes the essential key to cross a moment where Italian agriculture is skillfully juggling to succeed in a purpose useful especially to consumers. Today organic foods enhance the agricultural production of the Italian territory that gives an effective response to those who follow the trend of healthy eating, orienting themselves more and more towards unchanged products and proven genuineness.
Organic crops
Although organic farming is in constant and continuous observation, Italy seems to be attentive to everything that is in tune with nature and consumers, they seem increasingly to be attracted by foods that exclude the use of synthetic chemicals and of genetically modified organisms. The fruit and vegetable market has become despite the times of crisis that Italy is going through, very demanding in terms of freshness and quality. It is now understood that the consumer prefers to buy little but good and everything within the limits of seasonality. The citizen is attentive to health, knows very well the prerogatives of organic food, knows that the fruit grown with this type of crop, contains more antioxidants than a normal fruit grown with conventional means. The consumer is aware of all the nutritional principles that organic fruit and vegetables possess, he knows he can savor everything without having to worry about removing the skin because what arrives on his table has been cultivated using methods that exclude the use of pesticides chemical. Today those who buy are aware of many more things than in past years. The mass media and the web offer the possibility to inform and make them understand that all organic certified fruit and vegetables have been produced without forcing. The future of our country is now linked to the success that organic products have and will have on the market. Very popular lately, organic markets that favor the direct encounter between consumer and producer. The purpose of these markets is to allow manufacturers to make themselves known to a wide range of users in such a way as to enhance the "short chain" or no intermediate step.