
Rhyncospermum jasminoides

Rhyncospermum jasminoides

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Rhyncospermum jasminoides

Its vulgar name is rincospetto but it can happen that someone proposes it to you also as jasmine. The scientific name comes from the Greek: "trachelos" means neck and "sperm" means seed. So this plant has a seed with a neck. It is a climbing shrub that belongs to the Apocynaceae family, composed mostly of tropical and subtropical plants.
It is native to the Far East: in China, Japan, Vietnam and Taiwan its scent is often recognizable in the streets. The Scottish Robert Fortune was introduced to Europe in 1844. Because it is an evergreen and flowery vine that is rustic enough to withstand the colder climate of northern Italy, it has found widespread use in our country in recent years.
It can be grown both in pots in balconies and terraces, and in the ground in the garden. As for the cultivation in pots with racks, a combination can be created between the false jasmine and the Solanum Jasminoides; we will have so little white flowers from spring to late summer and two types of vegetation that blend well together.

Origins of the Rincospermo

The rhyncospermum jasminoides or simply rincospermo It is also commonly known as "false jasmine". However, the two plants have very different characteristics and do not even belong to the same family, despite the flowers of the rincospermo they can recall those of jasmine due to their shape and aroma. The rincospetto is easily distinguishable from the jasmine (color and appearance of the leaves), moreover it presents a particular resistance to even rigid climates.
The scientific name of the rincospermo is Trachelospermum jasminoides. The word Trachelospermum comes from the Greek: "trachelos" means "neck" and "sperm" means seed: the designation perhaps alludes to the shape of the seed characterized by a narrowing at one end.
The rincospermo is a climbing shrub that belongs to the Apocynaceae family, composed mostly of tropical and subtropical plants. It is native to the Far East.
Rhyncospermum jasminoides In short
Family: Apocynaceae
Gender: Trachelospermum
Most popular names: False jasmine, rincospermo
Plant type: Ornamental, from flowers
Origin: China, Korea and Japan
Vegetation: Lively
Foliage: Persistent, semi-persistent
Habit: Climbing, creeping, hanging
Use: Balcony or terrace, border, bush
Height at maturity: From 2 m to 10 m
Growth rate: Slow in the initial phase and after the first two to three years it becomes normal
Diseases and pests: Cochineal, aphids and red spider
Temperature: 200 C (during the day) and 100 C-130 C (at night)


The Rhyncospermum is a species available in a wide commercial range: it is proposed as a wall climbing or trellis, or with a structure that conforms to a small tree. In the latter case, it must be maintained with subsequent pruning, which however will not compromise the blooms. We are talking about a perennial evergreen with paired woody stems that, without support, take on a shrub behavior becoming hanging. If it is grown on a support, its branches can reach lengths of around ten meters. Because it has a fast growth, it is used to create walls and green screens, on which stand out the showy and fragrant white flowers. These are very similar to those of jasmine, gathered in bunches of 8-10 with corolla with a star-shaped and tubiform five-petalled hermaphrodite; emerge on the new vegetation of the current year or the previous one. The fruit is a long capsule: when it is mature, it opens and disperses the seeds which, having a pappus (a kind of feathery umbrella) fly away. The leaves are opposite, oval and lanceolate, shiny and leathery. In the juvenile phase of the plant they are light green in color, after which they take on a dark green hue; in colder climates, with the onset of autumn, especially if in conditions of high humidity, they can become reddish-orange.


The false jasmine adapts to many types of soil and soil; it prefers the more acidic, well-drained and rich in organic substance. For specimens placed in the open ground, it is necessary to choose areas where the soil is deep, as this shrub has a strong root development.
For potted plants it is necessary to replace the surface layer and the one along the edges of the container every year with new soil mixed with organic fertilizer. Choose a pot placement that allows you to easily move them to a position protected from cold winds during the winter.
It is not a plant that requires large amounts of water: the soil should be kept moist, but without stagnation, especially if it is a young specimen. However, be aware that the new jets will grow more slowly if they are not sufficiently irrigated.
The reassertion can be planted in pots or in full ground because it resists even at low temperatures. The young plants are planted in spring or autumn. The rincospermo has a strong radical development, therefore it needs a lot of space. If you put it in the ground, dig a hole at least 30 cm high and wide, and add it to the compost soil. Place a layer of gravel or perlite at the bottom of the hole to improve drainage. Place the plant at home, cover with soil and water. The branches must be supported by a trellis, by guardians or wrapped around the trunk of a tree. In the early years, attach the young twigs to the support, then, as they grow, there will be no need to fix them, since they will anchor themselves.
If you plant the pot back in the pot, choose a fairly deep one (at least 30 cm) and place on the bottom of the expanded clay or gravel, then of the soil with clay. Fix the branches to a guardian if you want them to take the climbing and non-hanging position.
In potted plants, it is necessary to replace the surface layer of soil and that along the edges of the container with new soil mixed with organic fertilizer every year.
It should be fertilized regularly, about every two weeks, in spring and summer, with an organic mixture. It is not necessary to repot every year, do this only if you wish to help develop your new root.

Temperatures and exposure

For this plant an exposition in full sun should be chosen, in which it will produce more new branches and lots of bunches of long-lasting flowers; if instead you need its stems to lengthen, favor the half shade. Consider that the rapid and vigorous growth, for which the retest is known, occurs after two or three years of life: at the beginning it will not be too fast.
The false jasmine lives well when the daytime temperatures are around 20 degrees and the night ones around 10-13. It tolerates high temperatures and a dry atmosphere, it also tolerates living indoors for a certain period, provided it has at least half a day of direct sunlight. As for the cold, you can leave an adult and robust plant outdoors even if the thermometer goes below zero, without exaggerating. Because it is a creeper and does not move easily, choose carefully where to place it: a wall well exposed to the sun and protected from cold winds will not give problems. If you have any concerns about younger specimens, protect the pot and the base with a layer of straw and cover it with plastic or "non-woven fabric" found in gardening stores.

Flowering and multiplication

This plant usually flowers only once, between April and July; sometimes it gives a second timid flowering during the summer. The flowers last for a long time and after them come the new branches, destined to bloom the following year.
Once the flowers fall, in autumn, it is necessary to provide for the pruning of your creature: work both on the oldest and tangled branches and on the young ones that have grown irregularly. In the care of the retreat, you must follow a logical path for a few years and find ways to remember which are the carrying branches of the plant; immediately identified these three or four stems, proceed following their new jets, on which the flowers will come out every spring. Only when these branches have assumed a correct structure, as you wish it, do you allow any other jet to grow for a long time.
If you wish to multiply the false jasmine plant, practice a cutting taking new shoots grown in the summer on branches of the previous year.
Apart from rare cases of attack by cochineal or red spider, the Rhyncospermum is a shrub that usually enjoys excellent health. If you have any leaves that tend to turn yellow or fall, you suffer from lack of water or due to incorrect exposure.

Ornamental uses of rhyncospermum jasminoides

This creeper is widely used, even on a large scale, to cover or soften the line of building walls. An unattractive construction can be improved with the use of climbing plants: if they are arranged in regular panels, they will constitute a visual interruption to long bare walls. Instead, opt for a plant that stretches vertically if you need to make a low building look taller. In case you need to brighten up a façade, study combinations of several plants; the American Lonicera (with yellow and red flowers), the Clematis or many climbing roses form a perfect pair with the white of the retentate.
Another use for which this plant is recommended is the ground cover. It is applied with the containment walls: in this way, the vegetable will put the roots up and make its branches fall along the wall. The intervention that is required of you is to guide, with some small tutor, the path of the stems in their first years of life. All passers-by will appreciate the fragrant summer bloom.

False jasmine soil

The false jasmine adapts to many types of soil and soil; it prefers light and fertile soils, those well drained and rich in organic substance.


The soil is not a plant that requires large amounts of water: the soil must be kept moist, but without stagnation, especially if it is a young specimen. However, be aware that the new jets will grow more slowly if they are not sufficiently irrigated. Especially in summer, in the hottest regions it is necessary to water at least every two weeks. During the winter reduce the frequency of watering.


Retentions should be fertilized regularly in spring and summer, about every two weeks, using an organic mixture to improve flowering. It is not necessary to repot every year, do this only if you wish to help the development of your plant. But if you do not do the repotting, change the superficial soil to ensure a sufficient supply of organic matter to the soil.


Pruning is done after flowering or at the end of winter. You can limit yourself to eliminating the dried flowers, or to thin out the branches of the plants placed on pylons to favor their flowering and to increase the vigor of the new jets. If you grow it in pot, prune it to contain its vigor. Shorten the shoots and remove the dry and damaged parts, but be careful with the latex coming out of the branches, since it contains alkaloids with strong irritating power. Try to use gloves for pruning operations and keep children away to prevent them from coming into contact with the latex.
The cultivation of rhyncospermum jasminoides
Cultivation: Easy
Maintenance: Limited
Exposure: Sun, half shade
Ground: Clayey, sandy, humus
Cleaning / Pruning: Elimination of dry branches / thinning
Water needs: Average
Soil moisture: Drained and dry
Fertilization: In the flowering period
Multiplication: Talea, layering

Propagate the Rincospermo

The propagation of the backwash occurs by cutting or by layering.
For cutting
If you wish to multiply the false jasmine plant, extract a cutting from the plant in the summer period by taking half-woody branches of 10-15 cm and place them in a mixture of sand and soil. Constantly water the soil so that it remains moist, but do not soak it with water. When you see the first shoots sprouting, you can transfer the plants into pots or into the ground.
For layering
The layering can be carried out at any time of the year. Take a branch, remove the leaves, fold and bury it or wrap a plastic bag with peat and sand around the twig. After a few months, try gently pulling the buried branch to see if the roots have formed or checked in the bag if new roots are present. If you notice that the buried branch is resistant or that the roots are present in the bag, you can separate the layering from the original branch. The new plant must be placed in a vase or in the open ground. If the plant is particularly delicate, place it first in a vase and, when it is large enough, plant it in the ground.

Pests and diseases

Apart from rare cases of attack by cochineal, aphids or red spider, the rhyncospermum is a shrub that usually enjoys excellent health. If you notice signs of suffering (some leaves are yellow or tend to fall), perhaps the amount of water is insufficient or the exposure is incorrect.
The calendar of the rhyncospermum jasminoides
Pruning March, August-September
Planting March-April, September-November
Flowering May to September


Attention, when pruning the chin because the latex that comes out of the branches that break, is irritating for the skin and toxic if ingested. Always put on gloves and keep both children and animals away from the branches
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