Fruit and Vegetables

New Susino treatments

New Susino treatments

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Question: what treatments on plum

Good morning,
a few days ago I planted a plum tree in my sunny garden.
I would like to know if it needs to be treated against pests,
when exactly and with what kind of products,
so that you have a plant that can grow healthily and produce lots of fruit.
Thank you very much.

Answer: new plum

Dear Gianluca,
the plum trees are not very prone to attack by pests, and generally remain with years of small size, which makes them easy to treat; generally on all fruit plants two treatments are made based on Bordeaux mixture, a product based on sulfur and copper; such treatments take place immediately after the fall of the leaves, and immediately before the new buds swell, or more or less in October-November (when autumn becomes quite cold, depending on the season) and in January or February (when the winter becomes less cold). Subsequently insecticide treatments are done, but only when the plant is no longer in bloom: after all the flowers have fallen you can make a treatment with an aficida and with a fungicide.
It must be said that plants of this type are rather rustic and resistant, therefore they manage to adapt even in environments that are not very inclined to them. It is advisable, however, to check the type of soil and the climate, since, in the presence of stagnant water or excessive humidity, it is very easy for root rots to occur. It should also be remembered that a new specimen has less resistance, requiring more attention. In the case of a new bush it is good to check that it is positioned in the best possible position.

Plum tree

It is good to know that depending on the season, you will work with different types of treatments, so as to get the best from your own specimens.
In the summer months, at least once a month, use a generic insecticide, vaporizing it on the plant in the early hours of the evening, and possibly avoiding to spray areas of the garden where there are flowers, and certainly also bees and other useful insects for pollination. In general, plum specimens do not get oidium or blisters, and your concern will be in particular fruit flies and black aphids. As I said, being a small tree, it will be easy and quick to do a treatment. Even the moth can be a problem to check, as this insect lays eggs in both fruits and leaves. Another type of insect that can appear on the leaves is the cochineal, which can be effectively combated using the described products.

New Plum Treatments: Treatments for Plum Plants

In autumn, when the leaves have fallen, they gather together with a rake, gather and burn them: many fungal diseases remain on the foliage, thus surviving the winter right on the ground at the foot of the plants, ready to go back to their place when spring arrives. In addition to pesticide treatments, remember to move the soil at the foot of the tree with a hoe, without going deep; at least every 2-3 months, to unpack it and make it better dough; in autumn and late winter it fertilizes with manure, or with special slow release fertilizers.
It is good to foresee some interventions during the different seasons, so as to allow the plant a more healthy and luxuriant development.