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Question: pruning

when you trim the hedges

Answer: pruning

Gentile Osvaldo,
there is no single answer to your question, as there are many plants that are used to prepare hedges: conifers, evergreens, flowering shrubs. Pruning is carried out according to the type of plant and its vigor. In general, the shrubs that are used for hedges are vigorous, especially in the case in which creepers are used, such as trachelospermum or wisteria, and therefore it often happens to have to do more pruning during the year. The first pruning is usually done at the end of winter, when the days begin to lengthen and the nocturnal lows rise; often it is a pruning more of cleaning than of conformation, during which dry or damaged branches are removed, and the first buds are pruned, in order to favor a thick development of the shrubs, and to avoid that they tend with time to empty themselves in the part low of the stem. There are obviously several exceptions: for example many flowering plants, such as forsythia for example, prepare the buds already in autumn or winter; these hedges are pruned immediately after flowering, because pruning at the end of winter would deprive us of most of it and flowers. As for the “common” hedges, that is the great part of the evergreen shrubs, with inconspicuous or otherwise uninteresting blooms, the pruning at the end of winter can instead be more vigorous, going to rearrange the foliage of the shrubs, to make it fall within the hedge silhouettes. Other prunings are then practiced during the year, when the new small branches tend to grow excessively towards the outside, the extent of subsequent pruning depends on the type of shrub and its vigor of development; plants like ligustri are often pruned every month, while photinias are usually pruned once in late winter, then at the end of pruning and a third time in late autumn. Often the plants that need more care are the creepers, which exhibit exuberant behavior, and should be pruned when they tend to take up too much space. The prunings, in addition to containing an excessively grown shrub, also serve to stimulate the production of lateral branches, so as to keep the hedge dense and compact.